How Long Does It Take To Grill Tomahawk Pork Chops?


Grilling meat is a culinary art that requires precision and attention to detail. Overcooking or undercooking your pork chops can produce a dry and rugged texture, ruining the overall dining experience. The cooking time can vary significantly, with tomahawk pork chops being larger and thicker than regular pork chops.

Grilling tomahawk pork chops can be daunting, especially if you need to figure out how long you’ll need to cook them for that perfect, juicy result. This article discusses the ideal grilling time for tomahawk pork chops, ensuring you consistently achieve that mouthwatering flavour and tenderness. Whether you’re a grilling novice or a seasoned pro, this guide will give you the confidence and knowledge to grill tomahawk pork chops to perfection. Alright, put on your apron and let’s get cooking!

Preparing the Tomahawk Pork Chops for Grilling

Tomahawk pork chops are a popular cut of meat that is perfect for grilling. They are known for their long bones resembling a tomahawk axe and juicy, flavorful meat. If you’re looking to impress your friends and family at your next barbecue, here’s how you can prepare tomahawk pork chops for grilling.

To prepare Tomahawk pork chops for grilling, start by seasoning the chops with a dry rub or marinade of your choice. Let the chops sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before grilling. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat and grill the chops for about 6-8 minutes on each side, or until they reach an internal temperature of 145°F. Let the chops rest for a few minutes before serving.

Grilling the Tomahawk Pork Chops

How Long Does It Take To Grill Tomahawk Pork Chops

Grilling the tomahawk pork chops is a delicious and impressive way to cook this flavorful cut of meat. Tomahawk pork chops are known for their long bone, which resembles a tomahawk axe, making them perfect for grilling and presenting at a dinner party or special occasion.

 Here’s how to grill Tomahawk pork chops to perfection:

  • Preheat your grill to high heat. You want to get a nice sear on the outside of the pork chop while still keeping the inside juicy and tender.
  • Season your tomahawk pork chops with your favourite rub or seasoning. A simple mix of salt, pepper, and garlic powder works well, but feel free to get creative with other herbs and spices.
  • Place the pork chops on the grill, flat, to ensure even cooking. Close the lid and let them cook for 4-5 minutes on each side or until they reach an internal temperature of 145°F.
  • Add some wood chips to the grill to infuse the pork chops with a smoky flavour. Hickory, applewood, or cherry wood chips are all great options.
  • Once the tomahawk pork chops are done cooking, remove them from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes before serving. This guarantees a juicy and tasty bite by allowing the liquids to circulate throughout the meat.
  • Slice the pork chops against the bone to create thick, juicy slices that are perfect for serving. Pair them with your favourite sides, such as roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, or a fresh salad.

Grilling tomahawk pork chops is a simple and delicious way to cook this impressive cut of meat. Whether hosting a dinner party or just looking to impress your family with a tasty meal, this grilled tomahawk pork chop recipe will surely be a hit.

Checking for Doneness and Internal Temperature

It is crucial when grilling tomahawk pork chops. The best way to ensure that your pork chops are cooked to perfection is by using a meat thermometer. It would help if you aimed for an internal temperature of 145°F for medium rare to 160°F for medium. This will ensure that your pork chops are safe to eat while being juicy and flavorful.

When grilling tomahawk pork chops, it’s essential to use the correct type of wood chips to enhance the flavour of the meat. Hickory, applewood, or cherry wood chips are all great options that add a delicious smoky flavour to your pork chops.

Resting and Serving the Grilled Tomahawk Pork Chops

How Long Does It Take To Grill Tomahawk Pork Chops

Grilled Tomahawk pork chops are delicious and indulgent, perfect for a special occasion or a hearty meal. However, before serving these mouthwatering pork chops, it is essential to let them rest properly to ensure they are juicy, tender, and flavorful.

Resting the grilled Tomahawk pork chops is a crucial step in the cooking process as it allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and moist end product. Here’s how to properly rest and serve your grilled tomahawk pork chops:

Remove the pork chops from the grill: Carefully remove them from the grill using tongs once the pork chops are cooked to your desired level of doneness. Be sure to handle them gently to avoid losing any precious juices.

Let them rest: Place the grilled tomahawk pork chops on a clean cutting board or a serving platter and tent them loosely with aluminium foil. Let the pork chops rest for 5–10 minutes before slicing into them. This resting time makes the meat more soft and tasty by allowing the liquids to re-distribute throughout the piece.

Slice and serve: After resting, it’s time to slice and serve the grilled tomahawk pork chops. Slice the pork chops against the grain using a sharp knife into thick, juicy slices. Arrange the slices on a serving platter and garnish with fresh herbs, a squeeze of lemon, or a drizzle of your favourite sauce.

Enjoy: Now that your grilled tomahawk pork chops are rested and beautifully sliced, it’s time to dig in and enjoy this delicious dish. Serve the pork chops with your favourite sides, such as roasted vegetables, creamy mashed potatoes, or a fresh salad, and savour every bite of this flavorful and succulent meal.


How long should you grill pork chops on a grill?

Pork chops should be grilled for about 4-6 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the chop. It’s essential to use a meat thermometer to ensure they are cooked to a safe internal temperature of 145°F. Happy grilling!

How long does it take to cook a Tomahawk steak on the grill?

It typically takes about 20–30 minutes to cook a tomahawk steak on the grill, depending on the thickness and desired level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to ensure it reaches the perfect temperature for your liking. It’s worth the wait for that delicious, juicy steak!

What is the internal temperature of a tomahawk pork chop?

The internal temperature of a tomahawk pork chop should reach 145°F to ensure that it is safe to eat. A meat thermometer is important to measure the temperature and prevent foodborne illness accurately.

Is it better to grill pork chops fast or slow?

Grilling pork chops slowly is the way to go! Slow grilling allows the pork chops to cook evenly and retain their juices, resulting in a tender and flavorful dish. Plus, it gives you more control over the cooking process, ensuring the pork chops are always perfectly cooked. So, take your time and savour the delicious results of slow-grilled pork chops.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, grilling Tomahawk pork chops requires a bit of finesse and attention to detail. It’s important to monitor the internal temperature of the meat and adjust your grilling time accordingly. A good rule of thumb is to grill them for 4-5 minutes on each side, but the best way to ensure they are cooked to perfection is by using a meat thermometer. This will guarantee that your tomahawk pork chops are juicy, tender, and delicious. Now light the grill and get ready to have a delicious dinner!

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