How To Cook Deer Tenderloin On A Grill?- Follow On Step-By-Step


Cooking deer tenderloin on the grill is a delicious and nutritious way to enjoy this lean and flavorful meat. In this article, we will discuss the best methods for preparing and grilling deer tenderloin to perfection. Whether you’re an experienced hunter or just looking to try something new, this guide will help you create a mouthwatering meal that is sure to impress. Let’s dive into the details of how to cook deer tenderloin on the grill.

How to cook deer tenderloin on a grill

Preparing the deer tenderloin

Grilling is an important first step. Start by rinsing the tenderloin under cold water and patting it dry with paper towels. Then, you can marinate the meat in your desired marinade for at least 2-4 hours to add extra flavor.

Some popular marinade options include a mixture of olive oil, garlic, herbs, and citrus juice. Once the tenderloin has marinated, please remove it from the marinade and let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before grilling.

Seasoning the tenderloin

This is the next step in preparing it for the grill. You can use a variety of seasonings such as salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, or any other spices that you enjoy. Rub the seasonings onto the tenderloin to ensure that it is evenly coated.

Checking for doneness

This is crucial when cooking deer tenderloin on the grill. It is important to ensure that the meat has reached the proper internal temperature to be safe to eat. Check the tenderloin’s internal temperature using a meat thermometer.

The USDA recommends cooking deer meat to an internal temperature of 160°F. This will ensure that the meat is safe to eat and will also help to prevent it from becoming tough and overcooked. When using a meat thermometer, please insert it into the thickest part of the tenderloin to get an accurate reading. 

Preheating the grill

Preheating the grill is a crucial step when cooking deer tenderloin. Make sure to preheat the grill to a high heat, around 450-500 degrees Fahrenheit, to ensure a nice sear on the outside of the tenderloin while keeping the inside juicy and tender.

Once the grill is preheated, place the deer tenderloin on the grill and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side or until the internal temperature reaches 130-135 degrees Fahrenheit for medium-rare or 140-145 degrees Fahrenheit for medium.Don’t forget to let the tenderloin a few minutes to rest before slicing and serving. Enjoy your delicious grilled deer tenderloin!

Letting the tenderloin rest

After cooking is an essential step in ensuring that the meat is juicy and flavorful. Once the deer tenderloin has finished cooking on the grill, it is necessary to let it rest for about 10-15 minutes.

This makes the meat more soft and tasty in the end by allowing the liquids to redistribute throughout the flesh. It’s best to loosely cover the deer tenderloin with foil during this resting period to help keep it warm.  

Serving the cooked deer tenderloin

Once the deer tenderloin has finished cooking on the grill and has had time to rest, it’s time to slice and serve it. The tenderloin may be sliced into medallions and served with mashed potatoes, fresh salad, or roasted vegetables, depending on your preference.

The grilled deer tenderloin pairs well with a flavorful sauce or marinade, so consider serving it with homemade chimichurri or a simple pan sauce made from the drippings of the meat. You can also add some fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon for a burst of flavor.

Lastly, be sure to enjoy your delicious grilled deer tenderloin with family and friends and savor the flavors of your hard work on the grill.


Is deer meat hard to cook?

Deer meat can be more challenging to cook than other types of meat because it is leaner and can quickly become tough if overcooked. It requires careful preparation and cooking techniques to ensure it remains tender and flavorful.

How long does it take to grill deer meat?

Grilling deer meat typically takes about 15-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cut and the desired level of doneness. It’s essential to monitor the internal temperature to ensure it reaches a safe temperature for consumption.

What is the best way to cook deer meat?

The best way to cook deer meat is to first marinate it in a mixture of herbs and spices to enhance the flavor and then cook it at a high temperature for a short amount of time to prevent it from becoming tough. Grilling, broiling, or searing are all great methods for cooking deer meat.

Is deer better than pork?

That really depends on dietary constraints and individual preferences.  Some people may prefer the taste and texture of deer meat over pork, while others may prefer pork. It also depends on individual health needs and ethical considerations. Both deer and pork can be part of a balanced and healthy diet, so it ultimately comes down to personal choice.

Final Words

In conclusion, cooking deer tenderloin on the grill is a delicious and easy way to enjoy this lean and flavorful meat. By following these simple steps and tips, you can ensure that your deer tenderloin turns out perfectly juicy and delicious every time. Whether you’re a seasoned grill master or a beginner, grilling deer tenderloin is a great way to impress your friends and family with a unique and delicious meal. Try it out by lighting the grill!

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