How To Get Rid Of Mice Under The Kitchen Sink: The Best Solution


Dealing with mice in your home can be a frustrating and challenging experience, especially when they start invading your kitchen. This article will explore practical methods to remove mice under your kitchen sink, including preventive measures to keep them from returning. Whether you’re dealing with a current infestation or looking to prevent future ones, these tips will help you maintain a rodent-free kitchen.

How to get rid of mice under the kitchen sink

Identify the Signs of a Mouse Infestation

 Before you can effectively get rid of mice under your kitchen sink, it’s important to identify the signs of a mouse infestation. Look for droppings, gnaw marks, and evidence of nesting in and around the area. You may also hear scratching or squeaking noises coming from under the sink. Once you’ve confirmed that there are mice present, you can move on to taking action to remove them.

Remove Sources of Food and Water

Mice are attracted to food and water sources, so keep your kitchen clean and free of crumbs, spills, and food scraps. Store dry goods in airtight containers and properly seal garbage cans to prevent easy access for mice.

Seal off Entry Points to Prevent more Mice from Entering

Mice can enter your home through tiny cracks and holes, so it’s vital to seal off all potential entry points. Use steel wool or caulk to patch gaps or openings around the pipes, cabinets, and walls under the sink. This will help prevent new mice from entering your kitchen and keep existing ones from escaping.

Work with a Professional

If the infestation is severe or you cannot get rid of the mice on your own effectively, it may be best to seek the help of a professional pest control service. A professional can assess the situation, implement effective solutions, and provide ongoing prevention to ensure your kitchen remains mouse-free.

Use Bait Stations

Bait stations are a safe and effective way to attract and eliminate mice. Place bait stations near the sink area but out of reach of children and pets.

Set Traps to Catch and Remove Existing Mice

Traps are an effective way to capture and remove mice from your kitchen. Place mouse traps along the walls and near the entry points under the sink. You can use snap, electronic, or live catch traps, depending on your preference. Be sure to check the traps regularly and dispose of any captured mice safely and safely.

Use Natural Deterrents Such as Peppermint Oil

Several natural deterrents can help keep mice away from your kitchen. Peppermint oil, cloves, and ammonia are known to repel mice, so you can place cotton balls soaked in these substances in the areas where the mice are active. Additionally, keeping your kitchen clean and free of food crumbs and spills will make the area less attractive to mice.

Clean and Sanitize the area to Prevent Future Infestations


 It’s important to clean and sanitize the area under the sink to prevent future infestations. Use a disinfectant to clean any areas where mice have been, and seal up any cracks or holes that may allow them to enter the space. These steps can effectively address the mouse problem under your kitchen sink and prevent future infestations.


Why do I keep getting mice under my kitchen sink?

Mice are attracted to areas where they can find food, water, and shelter, and the kitchen is a prime spot for all those things. Keeping food tightly sealed and cleaning up crumbs or spills is essential to prevent attracting mice. Additionally, sealing entry points and setting traps can help keep mice out of your kitchen.

What is the fastest way to get rid of mice in the kitchen?

The fastest way to eliminate mice in the kitchen is to set up traps or use bait stations. It’s important also to seal off any entry points and keep food stored in airtight containers to prevent them from returning. If the problem persists, contacting a professional pest control service may be best.

What are mice afraid of?

Mice are afraid of loud noises, bright lights, and certain strong smells like peppermint and mothballs. They also avoid open spaces and prefer to stay close to walls or other objects for protection.

What does baking soda do to rats?

Baking soda is often used as a home remedy to eliminate rats. When rats consume baking soda, it can cause gas and bloating, leading to discomfort and death.


You can use several methods to get rid of mice under your kitchen sink, including traps, sealing off entry points, and keeping the area clean and free of food crumbs. It’s important to take action as soon as you notice signs of mice, as they can quickly multiply and cause damage to your home. Following the tips in this article can effectively eliminate the problem and prevent future infestations.

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